Payment rules for professionals outside Brazil

1. Objective

This standard aims to provide for the rules on the criteria and procedures adopted by the ADR Financial Management (CAM-CCBC Financial Area) to make payments to Appointed Professionals domiciled outside Brazil and who act in the proceedings
administered by the CAM-CCBC – Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada.

2. Application

This rule applies to all Appointed Professionals domiciled outside Brazil who act in the proceedings administered by the CAM-CCBC.

3. Definitions and concepts

  • ADR – Alternative Dispute Resolution: alternative or appropriate methods of dispute resolution. Examples of ADRs include: Arbitration, Mediation, Controversies over Domain Name Registration, and other methods of dispute resolution;
  • Parties: any person (individual or legal entity) who is a party to an ongoing proceeding for the resolution of controversies;
  • Appointed Professional: arbitrators, mediators, specialists and experts, whoact in the proceedings administered in the resolution of disputes;
  • Costs Report: rendering of accounts sent to the parties at the end of the proceedings detailing the financial operations (receipts / revenues and expenses);

4. Premises

The following are premises for the payment of fees and reimbursements of expenses presented by the Appointed Professionals:

  • Provisioning of the amounts indicated in the applicable Table of Expenses, and paid by the Parties;
  • The appropriate time for payment, defined in the CAM-CCBC Rules, the Table of Expenses, the Administrative Resolutions approved by the CAM-CCBC President,
    the Arbitration Terms of Reference, the Mediation Terms of Reference or, in case of expert examination, as determined by the Arbitral Tribunal¹;

5. Procedure for payment of fees and reimbursement of expenses

The CAM-CCBC Financial Area will make the payments of fees and reimbursement of expenses to the Indicated Professionals, as defined in this Standard.

5.1. Communication and submission of documents

  • All electronic communication to CAM-CCBC Financial Area must be sent directly by the Indicated Professional’s e-mail, or by a third party with copy to the Indicated

For reference, please see an example:

Addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]
Carbon copy to: [address of the Appointed Professional’s email]
Subject: Proceeding Number – Name of Appointed Professional


5.2. Collection Data

  • Data for the issuance of collection as follows:

Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Canadá
Rua do Rocio, nº 220 – 12º andar – cj. 121
04552-000 – Vila Olímpia – São Paulo – SP
CNPJ: 43.737.840/0001-44
Care of CAM-CCBC Financial Area

5.3. Payment of Fees

  • Fee Notes

The fee notes may be issued in English or Portuguese, and shall contain the following information:

  • The Note’s issuance date;
  • Company name (and qualification) of which the Appointed Professional is a member, showing that the services rendered are included in the company purpose;
  • Full address;
  • Proceedings Number;
  • Complete name of the Appointed Professional and his/her position in the Arbitral Tribunal;
  • Description of services performed;
  • Gross value;
  • Tax Rate applicable to the Income Tax (IRRF);
  • Net value;
  • Bank data for the deposit:

Beneficiary data:
Beneficiary name
Account number
Telephone number
Contact person

Bank data:
Beneficiary Bank name
Address bank
Swift code (BIC)

About the Income Tax withholding tax rate (IRRF):

As per the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (RFB) Normative Instruction no. 1455 of March 6, 2014)²:

Art. 17. Any amounts paid, credited, delivered, employed or remitted to a legal entity domiciled abroad as royalties of any kind and remuneration for technical services and technical, administrative and similar assistance must observe the income tax withheld at source at the rate of fifteen percent (15%).


II – one states that:
a) a technical service is the performance of a service that depends on specialized technical knowledge or
that involves administrative assistance or consultancy, carried out by independent professionals or with an
employment relationship or, also, due to automated structures with clear technological content;


§ 3º The income mentioned in the main clause herein, and received by a legal entity domiciled in a country
or jurisdiction enjoying favored taxation referred to in Art. 24 of Law No. 9430 of 1996, is subject to income
tax at the rate of twenty-five percent (25%).

The Appointed Professional shall highlight the percentage of the withholding tax rate owed by him:

1. 15% Tax Rate;
2. 25% Tax Rate;
3. Tax Rate applicable under an International Agreement between Brazil and the country of remittance where payment is to be made;
4. Another specific situation. In this case, the Appointed Professional shall inform the legal grounds of any distinct withholding.

The withholding rate percentage mentioned in the Note shall be validated by CAM-CCBC Financial Area.

5.3.1. Time-Limit for submission of fee notes

The Appointed Professional shall request the withdrawal of fees up to ten (10) business days from the e-mail sent by the CAM-CCBC Financial Area (Exhibit 01), after the closing of the ADR proceedings.

Examples of closing of proceedings:

  • Termination Order;
  • Final arbitral award or decision rendered by the Appointed Professional;
  • Answer to the request for clarifications; or
  • Closing Agreement.

Any delay in the issuance of the Cost Report resulting from the pending withdrawal of the balance of fees, will be informed to the Parties involved, since the delay may imply the postponement of the Cost Report issuance.

5.4. Proceedings Expenses

  • Air ticket and accommodation:
    The Appointed Professional shall contact the Secretariat of the CAM-CCBC (represented by the case manager responsible for administering the ADR proceedings) and request the reservations. The cost of air ticket andaccommodation shall be contracted and paid directly by CCBC in Brazil;
  • Other proceedings-related expenses:
    The Appointed Professional may request the reimbursement of expenses (except air ticket and accommodation) incurred by him/her, when performing the activities assigned, as per topic 5.5 of this Standard.

Expenses with alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.

5.5. Payment of reimbursement of proceedings expenses

The following information shall be included in the letter/request for reimbursement of expenses:

  • Date of letter /request for reimbursement;
  • Proceedings number;
  • Total amount requested to be reimbursed (in the currency of the country of destination of the reimbursement);
  • Detailed specification of expenses (as per example below):
Descrição Comprovante de Despesa Taxa de Conversão Despesa a ser reembolsada
Nononono BRL 0.00 0.0000 EUR 0.00
Nononono USD 0.00 0.0000 EUR 0.00
Nononono EUR 0.00 EUR 0.00
Total a ser reembolsado EUR 0.00
  • Bank data for deposit;
  • Name and signature of the Appointed Professional.

Expense Receipt:

The reimbursement of expenses shall only be made upon presentation of original receipts of the expenses, which should be forwarded to the CAM-CCBC Financial Area, except those generated electronically.

5.5.1. Time-limit for submission of requests for the reimbursement of expense

The balance of the ADR proceedings’ expenses fund is updated daily, upon registration of debits and credits.
To ensure that the proceedings will have enough balance for the reimbursement, the request must be received by the CAM-CCBC Financial Area within ten (10) business
days after the expenses are incurred.

As for the costs incurred at the end of the proceedings, the CAM-CCBC Financial Area will forward e-mail (Exhibit 01) notifying the termination of the proceedings. The
request for a possible refund must be received within ten 10 (ten) business days after the e-mail notifying the termination is sent.

Expenses incurred after the issuance of the Final Cost Report to the Parties shall not be reimbursed.

5.6. Deadline for Payment

The deadline for CCBC to make payments is up to ten (10) business days from the date of receipt of the documents.
The CAM-CCBC Financial Area will email the ‘Notice of Payment Release’ (Exhibit 02)

6. Doubts

Doubts not clarified in this Standard shall be sent to the ADR Financial Management, via email to: [email protected], or by telephone (11) 4058-0414.

As of 2015-today:
 CAM-CCBC Arbitration Rules | Table of Expenses 2019Table of Expenses 2017 – 2018Table of Expenses 2015 – 2016

2012-2014: CAM-CCBC Arbitration RulesTable of ExpensesResolução Administrativa

1998-2011: Regulamento de Arbitragem do CAM-CCBCTable of Expenses

Administrative Resolutions: RA 16/2016 | RA 20/2016 | RA 21/2016 | RA 22/2016

Arbitral Tribunal Directions: see Procedural Directions and guidelines sent by the Arbitral Tribunal

Terms of Reference: Chapter XII – Costs and Expenses, item 12.5


2016-today: CAM-CCBC Mediation Rules | Table of Expenses

2012: CAM-CCBC Mediation RegulationTable of Expenses

Mediation Terms of Reference: Chapter 10 – Costs, Expenses and Fees, items 10.4 to 10.7