Organizational Structure


Organizational Structure

Rodrigo Garcia da Fonseca


Lawyer with more than 30 years of experience in the resolution of business disputes, acting in domestic and international arbitrations as well as in judicial and administrative litigation. Frequently appointed as arbitrator, he is a member of the lists of arbitrators of several Brazilian institutions. Recognized in Brazil and abroad for his professional abilities, he is always up to date with the law, and is deeply involved in institutional activities. Fluent in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

Silvia Rodrigues Pachikoski


Lawyer and arbitrator in the corporate area, mergers and acquisitions, construction, business contracts, real estate, franchising, among others, in national and foreign Chambers. Experienced in arbitration, judicial and administrative litigation, involving civil, commercial and consumer areas, and with the definition of procedural strategies in ongoing proceedings at all instances of the Judiciary and solid experience in hearings and meetings before the Public Administration bodies, State and Federal Public Ministry.

Ricardo de Carvalho Aprigliano


Partner in Demarest’s Dispute Resolution practice area, Ricardo de Carvalho Aprigliano is an associate professor (Habilitation in Law), who holds a doctorate and a master’s degree in Procedural Law from USP. He is a coordinator and professor at USP’s postgraduate course in Procedural Law, in collaboration with the AASP, and serves as Vice-President of the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC). Ricardo is a Fellow at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIARB), and has been recognized by international publications such as Who’s Who Legal, Chambers & Partners, and Leaders League.

Patrícia S. Kobayashi

Executive director

Patrícia Kobayashi was Secretary General of the CAM-CCBC from 2019 to 2023 and has been coordinating the CAM-CCBC Secretariat since 2011. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb), Vice President of IFCAI (The International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions) and a member of the Advisory Board of ITA (Institute for Transnational Arbitration). She is a lawyer in São Paulo and holds an LLB degree from the University of São Paulo (USP). She acted as a researcher in the first institutional survey on arbitration court decisions conducted by the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr) and Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Patricia is also a member of ICCA, IBA and other institutions.

Contact: +55 11 4058-0404
Email: [email protected]

Luíza H. C. Kömel

General Secretary

Luíza Kömel served as Deputy Secretary General of the CAM-CCBC from 2019 to 2023 and gathers more than 10 years of practice at the institution. She is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb), a lawyer in São Paulo and holds an LLB degree from the University of São Paulo (USP). She has experience as a lawyer and case manager in national and international arbitrations. She has written several publications and frequently participates in lectures on arbitration and alternative dispute resolution methods. She also organizes the Pre-Moot of the CAM-CCBC in São Paulo and Hamburg.

Contact: +55 11 4058-0406
Email: [email protected]

Ana Flávia Furtado

Deputy Secretary General

Ana Flávia Furtado holds an LLB degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG) and obtained her MBA with a focus on International Relations from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). She has extensive experience in dispute resolution, acting as Case Manager at CAM-CCBC (2017-2020), before becoming the head of the Institutional Development department. Ana Flávia is also responsible for several of the institution’s academic publications, quantitative and qualitative data research. She also organizes the CAM-CCBC Arbitration Congress.

Contact: +55 11 4058-0409
Email: [email protected]


Rodrigo Garcia da Fonseca

Ricardo de Carvalho Aprigliano

Silvia Rodrigues Pachikoski


Past Presidents

Eleonora M. B. L. Coelho (2019-2023)

Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo Forbes (2015-2019)

Frederico José Straube (2007-2015)

Marcos Paulo de Almeida Salles (1999-2007)

Fábio Nusdeo (1995-1999)

Frederico José Straube (1993-1995)

Guido Fernando Silva Soares (1992-1993)

João Caio Goulart Penteado (1984-1992)

José Carlos de Magalhães (1979-1984)

Deliberative Board



Profª. Dra. Paula Forgioni


Dr. Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo Forbes

Permanent Members

Dra. Eleonora M. B. L. Coelho

Dr. Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo Forbes

Prof. Dr. Fábio Nusdeo

Prof. Dr. José Carlos de Magalhães

Prof. Dr. Marcos Paulo de Almeida Salles 

Elected Members

Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Carmona

Dr. Gilberto Giusti

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Ettore Nanni

Prof. Dr. Hermes Marcelo Huck

Dr. João Bosco Lee

Profª. Dra. Nadia de Araujo

Profª. Dra. Paula Forgioni

Dr. Pedro Antônio Batista Martins

Profª. Dra. Selma Maria Ferreira Lemes

Mediation Advisory Board



Dra. Vera Cecília Monteiro de Barros


Dr. Adolfo Braga Neto

Dr. Alexandre Palermo Simões

Dra. Daniela Gabbay

Dr. Diego Faleck

Dr. João Afonso de Assis

Dra. Luisa Bottrel

Dr. Marcelo Perlman

Dra. Nathalia Mazzonetto

Dra. Silvia Maria Costa Brega

Dra. Silvia Rodrigues Pachikoski

Institutional Development

CAM-CCBC’s Institutional Development team is responsible for the strategic relations and the achievement of the institution’s business goals.

Institutional Development Advisor

Agata Takiya

Contact: +55 11 4058-0411

[email protected]

Institutional Development Analyst

Jamyle Jardim

OAB/SC 61.003

[email protected]

Institutional Development Analyst

Nicolas Youn

[email protected]

Assistants to the General Secretariat

The assistants perform the judicial and administrative activities related to the decisions rendered by CAM-CCBC’s President and to the judicial demands presented to CAM-CCBC or Arbitral Tribunals. They assist the General Secretariat in academic and case law researches, as well as with the development and maintenance of the Quality System.

Andreas Maximilian Paschoal

Contact: +55 11 4058-0405

OAB/SP 381.465

[email protected]

Nicolle Assayag do Lago

Assistant Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0420

OAB/SP 411.821

[email protected]

Secretariat Coordination

The Secretariat Coordinators oversee the proceedings administration and the Secretariat’s work, incluindo academic initiatives, technical development and people management.

Cristiane Gertel

Contact: +55 11 4058-0410

OAB/SP 231.888

[email protected]

Sílvia Salatino

Contact: +55 11 4058-0454

OAB/SP 278.414

[email protected]

Executive Secretary

The CAM-CCBC Secretariat is composed of eight executive secretaries. The secretaries are lawyers, have experience in alternative dispute resolution methods, are specialized and able to attend also in languages such as English, Spanish, French and German.

The Assistant Case Managers are law professionals, experienced in Alternative Dispute Resolution that assist the case managers with the administration of proceedings.


Ana Carolina de Souza Aranha

Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0461

[email protected]


Guilherme Bertuluce

Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0428

OAB/SP 386.303

[email protected]


Rafaella Rodrigues Favaretto

Assistant Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0427

OAB/MG 222.465

[email protected]


Laura Elisa Xavier

Assistant Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0439

OAB/SC 71.156

[email protected]


Nelson Martins da Silva Neto

Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0424

OAB/SP 450.317

[email protected]


Ester Luiza Capistrano de Oliveira

Assistant Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0448

OAB/PB 32.886

[email protected]


Fernanda Eberhardt

Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0455

OAB/GO 43.279

[email protected]


Maria Luiza Neves Arantes

Assistant Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0455

OAB/SP 492.646

[email protected]


Mayara Lima Ribeiro de Souza

Assistant Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0447

OAB/SP 481.905

[email protected]


Gilberto Paglia Júnior

Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0418

OAB/SC 52.008

[email protected]


Paola Pinkowski

Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0426

OAB/PR 109.388

[email protected]






Giovanna de Araújo Belchior

Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0423

OAB/SP 473.455

[email protected]


Ingrid de Santi

Assistant Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0425

OAB/SP 491.743

[email protected]


Marina Bartoletti Chueiri

Assistant Case Manager

Contact: +55 11 4058-0421

OAB/SP 479.293

[email protected]