CAM announces the formation of arbitration tribunals on their website

Publishing administrative resolutions is one of CAM-CCBC’s most important practices, as each resolution – complementary to the Center’s Arbitration Rules – is the result of intense internal debate and study. By publicizing the rules produced for each new theme, the Center values transparency and approaches the arbitration community.

In line with international best practice, one of the most recent resolutions (RA 35/2019) confirms the Center’s commitment to clear and agile communication: the disclosure of data concerning arbitration tribunals constituted in arbitrations administered by CAM-CCBC.

In addition to the name of each arbitrator, the disclosure available on the website includes the position taken in the Arbitration Tribunal, whether president or co-arbitrator; and the person responsible for their appointment; amongst other data. In compliance with the duty of confidentiality, no other information related to the arbitration proceeding will be disclosed.

To date, over 30 resolutions

The publication of administrative resolutions is a commitment of the Center to the effective updating of its regulations to incorporate international best practices in the administration of procedures. Since 2012, more than 30 administrative resolutions have been published on issues such as gender equality, special committee proceedings, arbitrations governed by UNCITRAL rules, emergency arbitrators, and a discount on the administration fee for mediation proceedings.

To check the disclosure of data about the arbitration tribunals:

To check all the resolutions published to date: