2019 Table of Expenses

Table of Expenses of the CAM-CCBC Committee on Dispute Prevention and Solutions

Table of Expenses of the CAM-CCBC Committee on Dispute Prevention and Solutions

In compliance with the terms of Article 2.6(d) of the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (“CAM-CCBC”) Arbitration Rules 2012 (“2012 Rules” or “CAM-CCBC Rules 2012”), the following schedule of administrative fees and other expenses of the CAM-CCBC Committee on Dispute Prevention and Solutions (“Expense Table”) is effective as of August 01, 2018.

  • Registration Fee: four thousand reais (R$ 4,000.00). Proof of payment of the Registration Fee must be presented together with the request to install the Committee.
  • Committee Member’s Fees: as defined in the Agreement by the parties. The CAM-CCBC Secretariat may define the advance payment of part of the Committee Members’ fees in order to secure the financial aspects of the proceeding.
  • Fee for decision handed down by CAM-CCBC regarding Committee Members fees: ten thousand reais (R$ 10,000.00)
  • Administration Fee: four thousand reais (R$ 4,000.00) per month (if there is no contractual definition, R$ 2,000.00 will be charged from contracting party and R$ 2,000.00 from contractor). The provisioning of the administration fee must be carried out in advance, one time per year.
  • Initial Expense Fund: five thousand reais (R$ 5,000.00) (if there is no contractual definition, R$ 2,500.00 will be charged from contracting party  and R$ 2,500.00 contractor). Considering that the expense fund corresponds to the provision of expenses for sending documents, making copies, printing, hiring suppliers to support diligences, among others, the CAM-CCBC Secretariat may request the parties to collect additional payments to the expense fund whenever necessary. 

The administration fees, initial expense fund and the initial fees of the Committee Members must be fully paid prior to the signing of the Terms of Reference of the Dispute Resolution Prevention Committee.

Standard payments to professionals indicated

Payment Terms

The administrative fees, Committee Members’ fees and expense fund, as well as any other related expense (“Commitee Expenses”) shall always be provisioned under an invoice (for payment in Brazil through bank slip or abroad through international remittance) issued by the financial department (“Financial Department”) of the CCBC, which shall be responsible for receipt, allocation and payment thereof.

All the expenses shall be calculated in Reals (R$), which is the official currency in the Federative Republic of Brazil.

If needed, the Financial Department shall request any relevant additional amounts or make any restitutions, in view of the amount received in Reals (R$).

In any case, the Parties shall bear the applicable taxes and bank charges.

The Registration Fee shall be deposited in the account below:

Banco Bradesco S.A. (237)
Agência 3114-3
Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Canadá
CNPJ 43.737.840/0001-44
Conta corrente 641656/0

Should the Parties need more than ten (10) calendar days from the issuance of the invoices for payment thereof, such request shall be communicated in advance so that the Secretariat and the Financial Department are able to make the relevant arrangements.