Pocket Interview with Members

President Paulo Perrotti interviews our CCBC members who share how their businesses work.

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Cases de Sucesso CCBC

Série de vídeos com cases de sucesso de projetos desenvolvidos pela CCBC. Os temas abrangem nichos diferentes setores, explorando as oportunidades de negócios entre Brasil e Canadá.
Aproveite todo potencial comercial entre os dois países!

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Unveiling the Power of Coaching vs Mentoring

Unveiling the Power of Coaching vs Mentoring

Article by Pascale Thiverge, Consul of Canada and Manager of the Political and Public Diplomacy Program in São Paulo, and France Hutchison, a leadership facilitator and creator of various coaching initiatives in the Canadian public service.

CCBC Articles 

Brazil: a land of startups

Brazil: a land of startups

Huge territory, multicultural history, openness to new ideas, creativity hub. Some of the attributes that perfectly describe Canada are also true about Brazil. The country, with 200 million inhabitants and low cost due to the devalued currency, has presented an impressive growth in the number of innovation centers. More than that, the increase in the number of entrepreneurs, regional and economic characteristics and the entry of some Brazilian startups in the coveted list of unicorns have placed cities like São Paulo in the list of the most promising places in the world.

Time of reforms

Time of reforms

Structural changes in the economy can make Brazil even more attractive to international companies and investors  By Sérgio Siscaro and Estela Cangerana   One of the ten largest economies in the world, with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of R$ 6.8 trillion in 2018...


See the articles about CCBC published in the national and international media.