Pocket Interview with Members

President Paulo Perrotti interviews our CCBC members who share how their businesses work.

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Cases de Sucesso CCBC

Série de vídeos com cases de sucesso de projetos desenvolvidos pela CCBC. Os temas abrangem nichos diferentes setores, explorando as oportunidades de negócios entre Brasil e Canadá.
Aproveite todo potencial comercial entre os dois países!

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From cocoa to startups, the road shows to promote the Brazil-Canada relationship

From cocoa to startups, the road shows to promote the Brazil-Canada relationship

The largest chocolate market event in Brazil, Chocolat Bahia 2019 was held at a Convention Center about 10 minutes’ walk from Bar Vesúvio in Ilhéus (BA). In the famous redoubt cited in Jorge Amado’s work, Gabriela prepared her delicious dishes for Nacib’s Arab clientele. But at CCBC, the story has another protagonist: the “fruit of the gods,” as Swedish scientist Carl von Linnaeus dubbed cocoa, in honor of cultures that considered it a gift from the gods.

Ultra-qualified salesforce for international business expansion

Ultra-qualified salesforce for international business expansion

Amir Hoffmann self-identified as a sales executive and technology evangelist. Now 46, by the time he was 30, he had traveled to over 70 countries, always to participate in work meetings or to train teams at multinationals like IBM, Nextel, and AT&T. HCS Sales was born from this experience, a company whose global profile matches that of its founder, and which now expands its operations to Latin America and starts to encourage new businesses between Brazilian and Canadian companies.

Tips and ideas for Canadian brands to communicate better with Brazilians

Tips and ideas for Canadian brands to communicate better with Brazilians

The text you are reading now was born globalized. One of the partners of the communication company Oficina das Palavras, Ana Paula Ruschel, was in Guimarães, Portugal. Eight thousand kilometers away, in Itajaí (SC), was one of the company’s publishers, Patrícia Wippel. And the reporter writing this piece to you is in the capital city of the State of São Paulo. In a lively phone conversation that lasted about an hour, several themes were talked about. We talked about Pope Francis, Beto Carrero, and even a Maracatu folk group in Toronto. All this was gathered under one umbrella theme: the importance of communication for companies.

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