2020 Satisfaction Survey

About the satisfaction survey

The survey is conducted annually to assess the users’ satisfaction concerning the administration services of the appropriate methods of dispute resolution provided by the Center. From the data collected by the survey, action plans for the continuous improvement of services based on the pillars of the Center Quality Policy are created by the CAM-CCBC team.

In 2020, the CAM-CCBC organized itself internally to ensure the continuity of more than 300 ongoing procedures, and determined emergency measures that ensured the remote and safe conduct of the proceedings under its management. We put into practice a project already in progress: migration to 100% electronic conduction of procedures.

In the 2020 survey we had 287 participants, which contributed to the following results:

participants in 2020

1. Virtual Infrastructure

In view of the pandemic scenario, the survey focused on the evaluation of the virtual tools provided by the CAM-CCBC.

The chart below shows the satisfaction with virtual tools, technology support and advice, and digital infrastructure (provided platforms, guidance for access through guides and tutorials, use of network environment for document exchange, among others):

2. Cordiality, promptness and knowledge of employees

In this topic were evaluated: the work of the eight CAM-CCBC’s Secretariats, teams comprising lawyers specialized in alternative methods of dispute resolution, responsible for the administration of the proceedings, the General Secretariat work, event, relationships, marketing, finance, administrative, reception teams and other employees of the Center.

3. Impartiality of employees and isonomic treatment provided to parties and lawyers

The evaluation of this aspect is directly related to the pillars of the CAM-CCBC, which assumes a neutral position in the administration of the proceedings submitted to it.

4. Compliance with deadlines by the Secretariat

The CAM-CCBC Secretariat is technically specialized and conducts a differentiated work in comparison with other arbitration centers. In addition to supervising the levels of cordiality, promptness and technical knowledge, we make the follow up and incisive analysis regarding the compliance with deadlines.

5. Transparency of the procedures adopted by the CAM-CCBC

The CAM-CCBC continuously develops new transparency mechanisms, always attentive to technological developments, especially in the virtual environment. Below is the satisfaction related to this topic:

6. Understanding of regulations, administrative resolutions, expense tables and others

In addition to the Rules and Tables of Expenses applied to the procedures administered by the Center, the CAM-CCBC publishes recommendations and guidelines regarding its activities in a series of Administrative Resolutions issued since 2012. They allow the incorporation of best practices into the services provided by the Institution.

7. General comparison of the CAM-CCBC with other arbitration centers

Finally, below is the satisfaction level regarding the CAM-CCBC performance compared to other service providers:

Also see the satisfaction survey results in previous years.