Opportunities in Quebec

Québec International, the economic development agency of the province of Quebec, Canada, is developing an initiative aimed at recruiting qualified foreign professionals interested in living and working in that region. This is the Journées Québec Amérique Latine (Quebec Latin America Conference), which is carried out by the agency in collaboration with the province’s Ministry of Immigration, Francisation and Integration (Mifi).

The 400 places offered by the program are distributed in five sectors: construction; industrial production; agro-food processing; health, and information technology (IT). Since 2011, the initiatives promoted by Quebec International have enabled the hiring of 500 Brazilian professionals in the province – today recognized for their skills and capacity to adapt to the Quebec labor market.

Applications for the initiative began on August 23 and runs through September 27, 2021. Online job interviews will take place between October 25 and November 5, 2021.

More information at https://bit.ly/3kuyGuJ

*Source: Québec International