AR 30/2018

Equal opportunity for women within the ambit of Arbitration.

Re.: Equal opportunity for women within the ambit of Arbitration.

The President of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (“CAM-CCBC”), in the exercise of the powers granted upon him under article 2.6, letter ‘c’, of the CAM-CCBC Rules, as approved on September 1st 2011, as amended on April 28, 2016, and with the support and commitment of the CAM-CCBC Advisory Committee, hereby approves the following actions, in favor of equal gender representation in Arbitration.

Article 1 – The CAM-CCBC, an institution created for the purpose of administering arbitral proceedings and promoting suitable conflict-resolution methods, is committed with diversity and particularly with gender equality in arbitration[1].

Article 2 – Therefore, with the purpose of ensuring equal opportunities for women within the ambit of the activities involving the CAM-CCBC, this latter undertakes to, whenever possible and in the transparent exercise of its activities, take the following actionss.

§1 Event panels supported and sponsored by the CAM-CCBC will include representation of at least 30% of women as lecturers, speakers or panelists, under penalty of withdrawal of support or sponsorship.

§2 Academic events organized by the CAM-CCBC will include representation of at least 30% of women as lecturers, speakers or panelists, and the General Secretariat shall ensure appropriate representation.

§3 The commissions, created pursuant to Article 2.7 of the Rules, shall include representation of at least 30% of women.

§4 The appointment of arbitrators, pursuant to articles 2.6, g, 4.12 and 5.4 of the Rules, made by the President of the CAM-CCBC, shall consider representation of at least 30% of female candidates.

§5 The CAM-CCBC Advisory and Executive Committee shall conduct election processes for men and women separately, thus ensuring an increase – in the next two years – of women representation to at least 30% of the members of the CAM-CCBC arbitrators roster.

§6 CAM-CCBC undertakes to support, whenever possible, initiatives related to the support, mentoring and encouragement of women to pursue their roles as arbitrators and in the arbitration career in general.

Article 3 – In guaranteeing due compliance with the aforementioned actions, CAM-CCBC will publish its gender statistics on a half-yearly basis on its website, in accordance with the actions described in article 2 and paragraphs herein.

Sole Paragraph – Statistic data shall, as to arbitrators’ appointments, distinguish between the appointments made by the parties and the CAM-CCBC.


São Paulo, February 7, 2018.

Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo Forbes

President of the CAM-CCBC


[1]Thus, CAM-CCBC is aligned with both the international agenda and the Sustainable Development Objectives established through the United Nations, which provides as one of its goals “to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” (Available at Accessed on Sep.12.2017).

Updated statistics click here.